Pass Your TExES Exam | 832.504.0022 |

One-Day Boot Camp (6 Hours)


6-hour remote group training session for educators needing to brush up on their exam-taking skills. The course fee is per person. Class size is limited to 30.

Course Information


On3-day boot camp to get your mind ready for the TExES exam.

photo of LaQuanta Perry, instructor

About Me

I have over 14 years’ experience as a Texas educator—the majority spent in special education. I currently hold six TExES certifications: Special Education (EC-12); Generalist (EC-6); English Language Arts and Reading with STR (4-8); Life Sciences (8-12); English as a Second Language Supplemental (EC-12); and Educational Diagnostician (EC-12).

I can help you with preparing and passing your TExES exams, too!


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